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Elige tu plan de precios

  • The Spiritual Ritual

    Cada mes
    A 4 week transformative meditation practice.
    VƔlido por 3 meses
    • 4 Kemetic yoga and meditation lessons
    • Meditation guidance to help battle suicide, depression, PPD
    • Private setting sessions
    • Weekly evaluations
    • Welcome membership gear
    • Workshop discount
  • The Progressive Yogi

    Cada mes
    assisted yoga guidance and stretch for muscle and arthritis relief.
    VƔlido por 3 meses
    • 4 week private yoga & stretch sessions a month.
    • Mobility and Strength training with equipment included
    • Improved flexibility
    • Private setting
    • Weekly evaluations
    • Member's gear
  • The Organic Groove

    Cada mes
    private dance therapy to improve flexibility, pain relief, and mental health
    VƔlido por 2 meses
    • 4 private dance basics choreography lessons
    • A sensual dance guidance
    • Private setting with equipment
    • Weekly evaluations
    • Assist with pelvic floor rehabilitation, PPD, Depression
    • Members gear
    • Workshop discount
  • The Poler Pop

    Cada mes
    private pole dance routines for beginners and intermediate levels.
    VƔlido por 2 meses
    • 4 week private dance, flexibility, pole training with gear
    • Online pole dance guide
    • Private settings
    • Weekly evaluations
  • The Yogi Nanni

    The perfect interactive nanny for your young ones.
    Plan gratis
    • Private setting
    • Client's or Nanny's location
    • Light cleaning for child
    • Children activities
    • Please provide your child's snacks and personal necessities
    • Payment based on client's need. Confirmed during booking.
  • The Core Camp

    Cada mes
    An injury preventive regimen for toning the body & strengthening your core
    VƔlido por 3 meses
    • 4 week prescheduled program
    • Customized workout plan
    • Nutrition guidance
    • Welcome membership gear
    • Private Setting

Con sede en Tampa, FL


Soulher Power Fitness (SPF)


Orgulloso partidario de los grupos de apoyo a mujeres.  


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Ā© 2021  Soulher Power

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